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Your event is as important to us as it is to you. Our reputation as quality Caterers dates back over fifty years to 1948 when the Club, which was founded in 1873, moved to its present location. We have hosted thousands of parties such as the one you may be planning, and with the experience gathered over these years, can guarantee to help make your occasion one of which you can be proud. Many of our customers come to us after attending a party here or upon the recommendation of a satisfied customer. Our present facilities have been constantly improved, frequently upgraded, and impeccably maintained. You will find the best combination of:

  • Excellent Food 
  • Courteous Service
  • Beautiful Ambience 
  • Excellent Bar
  • Low Prices 
  • Ample Parking

You can arrange your event, confident that every aspect will be to your entire satisfaction. We can handle parties for as few as 30 or as many as 600. Our professionally trained staff is capable of providing you with a wide variety of cuisine ranging from classic American or German food to international gourmet meals. We will help you with special requests which may not be listed in our standard menu. Our entire staff is dedicated to satisfying you and takes great pride in providing the highest level of service. Our location in Northeast Philadelphia is easy to find from I-95 and other major routes. The Cannstatter is the perfect location for your wedding, anniversary, shower, business meeting, family reunion, birthday, or whatever you are planning. Only the Cannstatter can offer you all the advantages that experience brings, and this is what will make your event one which you will always remember!

For more information, contact our club office. Tel. 215-332-0121 or email us to

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Plan Your Events, Weddings, Banquets, Meetings, Luncheons and Picnics at The Cannstatter Volksfest Verein

Accommodations for 30 to 600 people indoors in our wonderful Crystal Ballroom or elegant Dining Room. Outdoor events can be held in our modern picnic grove with full facilities capable of catering 6,000+ people.

Our Facilities Will Meet Your Every Need for Your Special Occasion

Contact us for more information!

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